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This module aims to provide a simple way to manage a couple of colored LEDs through a Raspberry Pi’s GPIO and a REST API.

Note: This setup is mainly for fun usage.

Installation proccess

Download sources, unzip, goes to sources-folder.


Use the setup.py using PIP:

pip install .


Prepare configuration files in your home dir:

mkdir -p ~/.led-api
cp ./logging.json ~/.led-api/
cp ./led_config.json ~/.led-api/

The content of the led_config.json must be customized depending on the GPIO PIN setup you want to use.

For example:

  "white": 4,
  "blue": 17,
  "green": 27,
  "yellow": 22,
  "red": 5

You can use the pinout command of gpiozero (as explained here raspberrypi.org) to get the current GPIO PIN numbers:

sudo pip install gpiozero

Or the useful pinout.xyz web site.



The LED API use the flask/flask_restplus module to provide API and Swagger documentation.

To run the developpement server:


Join the http://<your_IP_address>:5000 URL to get the swagger interface:

Swagger UI

Swagger UI

You can now use this Swagger interface or your favorite REST tool to change power status of some LED:

# Example with curl to start blink on the red LED
curl "" \
     -X POST \
     -H "accept: application/json" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d "{  \"on\": true,  \"blink\": true}"